Friday, June 19, 2009


Learning how to use this Blog site is a challenge and a half. But I'm determined. Here is the pic of the socks I mentioned above - What lovely work!


I'm still floating about the way the galley proofs look and the responses from my wonderful friends who have seen it. My husband kept telling me that it was something special but he's biased! Now I have to wait until it is actually published to see if people who don't know me feel the same.

A nice lady from Illinois, who signed up for my Book Club sent me a picture of socks she made from one of my creations. I'm going to have to learn how to copy and transfer it to this blob site and to the sock club page. I hope others will join her in sending me pictures of their creations.
Best, Gail

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Book

What a day yesterday was! The Publisher sent me the 'galleys' of my book - Hand Dyeing Yarn and Fleece: Custom-Color Your Favorite Fibers with Dip-Dyeing, Hand-Painting, Tie-Dyeing, and Other Creative Techniques by Gail Callahan (Hardcover - Jan 27, 2010). The cover is posted on I'm so excited that I had trouble sleeping last night. Of course, I think the book is BEAUTIFUL! I wish it was already published so you can all see it. It is the quality of the pictures and the art lay-out that makes it so wonderful for me.

Right now I'm waiting for the final look at my new web site which is due any day now. (I sound like the kids in the car 'are we there yet?') but it does seem like I've been struggling to get this created for a long, long time. Of course, every change and improvement brings its own set of problems. But I'll deal with them when I need to.I hope I'll have more good news tomorrow.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Web Page

It's hard to believe that almost a whole year has passed since my last Blog! So much has happened - so much that's GOOD!!!!
First - Kangaroodyer @ has been a phenomenal success and has become the driving force.
Second - My book on dyeing is in the hands of the publisher and will be released in January, 2010. More later.
Third - My new and revised and BEAUTIFUL Web Site will be up and running any time now (sounds like an Oldies title).

My hope is this will be a much more interactive Blog site where you can ask me questions and tell me what you want with NO obligation on your part except honest feelings. And I and/or others can chime in. I find I don't do well if I'm the only one talking!

More to follow.

Best, Gail