Thursday, August 21, 2008

Chicken Sitting continued...

Well, I certainly am learning about posting, naturally the hard way! For some reason I lost the rest of the post for my Chicken Sitting.

Living right in the city of Greenfield, Massachusetts with the post office, YMCA and Shelburne Falls Coffee Roasters at the ends of the streets I can see from my front porch was not a place I ever thought would have chickens. But never say never...

This is the essence of what has happened with the 4 chicks: Rick Laura and Belle are my neighbors who just started raising hens for eggs. They are away for a few days, and I was asked to watch "the girls" for them. Rick said it was easy enough, just make certain they have fresh water, that the food remains dry and ample, and that they need to be in the coop for the night to protect them from any night animals who may dig under the fence or otherwise endanger them. He said they "always go to the coop at sundown around 7:40pm". Night one, two and three...not at 7:40, more like 8:15! Maybe it was because I repeatedly went over to check on them (with lettuce, basil and garlic in hand) and they heard me coming and came out to greet me, or because they were behaving like many of the creatures I have cared for in my life.

It has been fun while the weather is warm and I am not plodding through the snow early in the morning or late at light. I will never look at chicken again in the same way. Maybe being a vegetarian is not such a bad idea.


sandy said...

keep up the good work and remember those eggs are the very best and the yolks are so very deep yellow~ my son has chickens and goats but he lives in Montague not in downtown Greenfield~the yellow and white of the eggs might make for a great combo for dyeing yarn~

Lynn said...

Not to mention the colors of those hens - I love the breast of the one on the left!